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The English Digital Kitchen is part of LanCook, a larger collaborative EU Lifelong Learning project which is developing task-based learning materials for 7 different languages and uses the fun and interactive activity of cooking.



As the name suggests, the English Digital Kitchen is home to the English language-based materials. Based in Newcastle University, we are developing recipes and task-based learning materials for learners to use in cooking dishes linked to English speaking cultures and countries.



English Scones: Jam and Clotted Cream

The materials are designed to be used in a technologically-enhanced kitchen which uses sensor technology (similar to the Nintendo Wii™) to lead English language learners step by step through the cooking of a dish.  Embedded digital sensors are inserted in or attached to all the equipment and ingredients allowing the kitchen to detect and evaluate activity as learners progress through their cooking tasks. As the kitchen is able to detect what users are doing, it can provide help along the way through a range of audio-visuals. There is also the option to gain more details about a certain cooking action. As an interactive activity, learners are also able to communicate with the kitchen, using a touch- screen and two interactive tools.


The pedagogical materials are stored as a software programme in a ‘portable digital kitchen’. This unit comprises of an integrated suite of materials for pre-task, cooking task and post-task use programmed into a tablet PC. It also includes the sensors and the utensils needed to cook the dishes. They can be used in any normal kitchen set-up either in educational contexts or at home.

WP_000391The English Digital Kitchen demonstrates both the utility and potential of technologically-enhanced learning materials to promote genuinely situated language learning. LanCook is developing the first truly embedded sensing environment that can be used for complex real world tasks that comprise meaningful activities that people are highly motivated to engage in.

In the different pages for English Digital Kitchen you will find lots of information about our materials development activities, events and news.

If you have ideas about recipes or want to get involved, do get in touch with us.

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